[the_old_crowd] POA movie
Monika Huebner
bookworm at agassizde.yahoo.invalid
Wed Dec 8 17:18:44 UTC 2004
Randy Estes <estesrandy at ...> wrote:
>I am not "in love" with Sirius but I thought Gary
>Oldman might not be a good choice until I actually saw
>the movie.
Well, let's say I convinced myself he was a good choice a while before
I actually saw the movie, when the shock of him getting the part had
worn off a bit. ;-) Unlike other people I didn't have a preference for
a particular actor, maybe that made it easier. I just wanted someone
who could act and hoped the makeup artist would do the rest, that is a
decent job on his looks. I have to say I am still satisfied with what
I got.
> I also liked the look and feel of this
>movie. It reminded me of an old Christopher Lee movie
>with the lighting and the feel of a horror movie in
>some places.
May I ask which one?
>I think this movie represents the break from young
>kids stories to preteen stories just like POA changes
>the complexity of the storyline to a slightly more
>mature audience. Of course, GOF should be even more
>so. I could see the feel of this movie working well
>in the graveyard scenes.
Let's hope the director won't waste too much time on the three tasks
and the Yule Ball. To tell the truth I would have been grateful if the
ball had been left out, but apparently they are filming it. And if
they want to cram all this into 2 1/2 hours, there won't be a lot of
time left for the climax scene. I guess we'll just have to wait and
>I still can't wait to see
>how they do the "Voldemort soup" at the end. We
>always told my son Brian that Voldemort probably
>looked liked Squidward on Spongebob Squarepants.
>Sounds odd, but you know some people would give their
>right arm for a taste of Voldemort soup! ;0)
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