
quigonginger quigonginger at quigonginger.yahoo.invalid
Sat Oct 2 14:05:09 UTC 2004

I had a thought pop in my head the other day, and the more I think 
about it, the more I am convinced that I am either on to something, 
or crazy.  You make the call.

I was thinking about the Unforgivables.  The AK and Crucio are 
unforgivable for obvious reasons.  Unless you count Euthanasia, there 
is no possible good use for the AK, and even that is assuming that it 
is quick and painless, and one has no moral concerns against it.  
Crucio has no positive use, unless you are into that sort of thing.  
Not going there ;o)

But what about Imperio?  I went back and checked fake Moody's exact 
words when explaining it to the class.  I had wondered if maybe he 
had said "the use of any one of them *against* another human 
being...Azkaban", but he said *on* rather than *against*.  There went 
my theory, but I am still wondering.  

I can think of a good half dozen uses for the Imperious curse that 
would be for the benefit of a person.  The person's permission would 
be needed, of course, but consider the following commands:

"Stop smoking"
"Get up when your alarm goes off"
"Stick to your diet and like it"
"You will no longer crave (insert drug here)"
"You will no longer steal" (for a kleptomaniac)
"You will no longer attack (pick all that apply)
women/children/men/animals" (sexual predators)

For the cases of mental illness or disorders, therapy would be needed 
in conjunction with the Imperious, but it would stop the behaviour 
until the person could control the problem.

It would not be unlike hypnosis, but it would work very well.  The 
person would *have* to do it.  As I said, the person's consent would 
have to be given before it would be ethical, but I have to admit, I'd 
be the first to sign up if it was offered as a weight loss program.  
Hypnosis didn't work for me.  Also, it would have to be done by 
trained and bonded persons who have passed a stringent background 
test so they wouldn't take advantage of it.

Any thoughts?  Am I missing something?  Other than self-control, I 

Ginger, who is now hungry.

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