[the_old_crowd] Unforgivable?

Saitaina saitaina at saitaina.yahoo.invalid
Sat Oct 2 15:41:40 UTC 2004

There's too high of a chance for it to
go wrong though.  Imperious give you
complete control over a person, you
could make them do anything.  How many
would not be tempted by that kind of
power and just make them do the small

Not to mention I don't think you can
just use it for the small stuff.  From
what we've seen, it takes away almost
complete control of the victim, so
basically the caster has to tell them
to do anything.   I could be wrong on
this point through because at other
points it does not seem this way (it's
very confusing in the books).

And what happens when control is given
back to the person under the curse?
With someone else pulling the strings
it's easy, but when you return, all
your thought impulses are the same, as
are the urges.  It's pretty much back
to square one.  Part of curing
addiction, it changing the way the
brain thinks, which isn't easy when a
foreign "impulse" is simply commanding
you to do something.  You're not
changing the way your brain responds,
you're just listening to the voice that
doesn't belong.

But still, complete control over
another human...*shivers*  Even I
wouldn't want that job.   I would be
too scared of giving in to my own inner
little voice and doing things to them,
even if it's just making them act like
an idiot.

"You don't know my father," Malfoy
said. "He'd still kill me. He'd kill me
and he'd stuff me, and he'd say, 'Yes,
this is Draco. He's my only heir. He's
a bit quiet recently, I don't think he
likes living in this glass case.'"


"No, one day I'm going to look back on
all this and plow face-first into a
tree because I was looking the wrong
bloody way. And I'll still be having a
better day than I am today."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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