[the_old_crowd] Re: Authors (was Jasper Fforde)
Catherine Coleman
catherine at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Thu Oct 14 13:19:19 UTC 2004
I've been meaning to reply to Parker's post for ages, but have had my
parents here for 10 days and have been playing chauffeur all over the
place. Ugh.
Thanks for the suggestions, Parker. Some aren't new to me - in
particular the Garth Nix trilogy, which I really enjoyed, and I've
recently discovered Robin McKinley. I loved "Spindle's End" (obviously
Sleeping Beauty), and "Deerskin", but I'm not quite sure why she
bothered writing 2 versions of Beauty and the Beast - I really prefer
the first one, apart from the ending - I'm betting everyone can guess
how the two endings differ.
I've never heard of Lynne Flewelling, but "The Bone Doll's Twin" has a
really intriguing title.
As for Alexander McCall Smith - I've read the first few in the series.
I really enjoyed them to start with - as you say, they are very light
and easy to read - quite whimsical and gentle on the surface (although
some of the events are really very shocking - just not how they're told)
but after a while I started to feel a bit uneasy about them - the main
reason being that AMS is writing from the perspective of Botswanan (sp?)
natives. Their thoughts are on the whole conveyed as being very
simple-minded and unsophisticated, to match their speech patterns in
English, which is their second language, and I feel as though he is
ascribing a naivety and simplicity which I am not sure exists, to the
extent that I felt that he was being (unwittingly) patronising. I'd be
interested to know if anyone else had similar thoughts - it could be me
being over sensitive.
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