Profile of new "ancient"

Dan Feeney lunalovegood at
Wed Sep 1 02:45:32 UTC 2004

Dan, tbernhard, darkthirty

HP nightmare - rainy winter cross country drive in Mini Cooper with 
Lockhart at wheel, Hermione navigating, and Ron carsick in the back 
beside me, and Pig being Pig between us, and I have a migraine even 
thinking about this

HP fantasy - job at DoM, studying the magic properties of music in 
the arts section (sigh)

HP Perversions - believe Harry is actually in a closet of sorts, 
etc., believe that Rowling is amoral, and is writing essentially an 
ethical dialogue

Favourite HP book - OotP, by 3 or 4 house elf heads at least

Favourite HP ship - Harry and Luna, though BOTH MUST DIE!

Nightmare HP ship - Snape and anyone but Tonks

Favourite HP characters - ~!~*Luna*~!~, Snape, Myrtle, oh and I guess 

Burning HP questions - What the heck is Granger writing to Krum? Will 
there be more dragons, please, and some dragon blood uses? How did 
whatever is in the room that's always locked get there if it's always 
locked, and how is it locked, and so forth? How did 
Dumbledore "defeat" Grindelwald? And so on.

That's enough to be getting on with.


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