[the_old_crowd] Profile of new "ancient"

sean dwyer ewe2 at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Wed Sep 1 04:40:46 UTC 2004

On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 02:45:32AM -0000, Dan Feeney wrote:
> Dan, tbernhard, darkthirty
> HP nightmare - rainy winter cross country drive in Mini Cooper with 
> Lockhart at wheel, Hermione navigating, and Ron carsick in the back 
> beside me, and Pig being Pig between us, and I have a migraine even 
> thinking about this

No no no, Ron driving, Snape navigating and me in the back with a pitchfork
ready to gouge Snapes eyes out....wait...that's my HP fantasy.

> HP fantasy - job at DoM, studying the magic properties of music in 
> the arts section (sigh)
> HP Perversions - believe Harry is actually in a closet of sorts, 
> etc., believe that Rowling is amoral, and is writing essentially an 
> ethical dialogue

As in the Greek sense of "give X and Y different metaphysical positions,
discuss" or just moralizing?

> Favourite HP book - OotP, by 3 or 4 house elf heads at least

Agree. Though how the hell she can top this is anyone's guess. The closer you
get to an "adult" perspective, the harder it is to avoid stuff that younger
audiences don't understand, and parents avoid. It's simply great writing that
she's taken us this far.

> Favourite HP ship - Harry and Luna, though BOTH MUST DIE!

Awww, why? I too think this ship is far more likely than Harry with anyone
else. Because you don't introduce a major character this far into the story,
who also gets right under our Hero's skin this quickly unless they have a
major emotional role for him, especially if it doesn't last....aaaah I see
where you're going with this...

> Nightmare HP ship - Snape and anyone but Tonks

That's really being unfair to Tonks. I have no further comments at this time.

> Favourite HP characters - ~!~*Luna*~!~, Snape, Myrtle, oh and I guess 
> Harry

Yeah Luna is great, and I'm keen to see how the Greco-Roman interpretation
of her name will pan out.
> Burning HP questions - What the heck is Granger writing to Krum? Will 
> there be more dragons, please, and some dragon blood uses? How did 
> whatever is in the room that's always locked get there if it's always 
> locked, and how is it locked, and so forth? How did 
> Dumbledore "defeat" Grindelwald? And so on.

I believe canon has led to the general consensus that whatever Hermione is
saying *privately* to Krum, it has OotP business also involved. Grindelwald's
defeat will probably be important knowledge. The locked room, by my reading of
canon, is supposed to contain Love, unless Dumbledore is being metaphorical
about it. Vote more dragons yep.

I see some interesting themes in the discussion already but need to organize
my thoughts a bit more, but I'll posit two positions here now and follow up

1. Ron and Hermione. For sure. Get over it.
2. Snape is not worth saving. Get over that too.
3. Harry has to die. Not easy to get over, but must be faced.

THREE positions: Ron and Hermione, Snape not worth saving, Harry to die, and
Tonks is cute -- FOUR! FOUR positions...it's no good I'll have to start again...

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