triner918 at
Wed Sep 1 02:58:53 UTC 2004
Hey y'all!
In the words of Hermione, "it was ever such a surprise when I got my
letter, but I was ever so pleased of course..."
Trina, Triner, Ms. Gabbard, Speech Teacher (but only for those K-2nd
graders at school)
34, but subject to change in 17 days' time
I am unattached with two cats (which may explain the unattachedness).
Their names are Lady Jane and Dudley. Lady Jane is grey, hence the
name and, IMO, her attitude. Never should have named her after
royalty. The Dudders is *not* named after Ickle Diddikens, but
Guilford Dudley, the original Lady Jane Gray's husband. (I went on a
historical bender. Might as well put that history minor to some
practical use.) However, I now have a whole host of nicknames for my
own sweet Dudley, thanks to HP!
I just bought a house in February, so now broke in manner of home
owners everywhere, in South Carolina, currently bracing for Hurricane
Frances. Although not my town, as I am in the Upstate, far from any
storm surge action! I did live about 70 miles from Wilmington, NC at
the time of Fran and ,quite frankly, one hurricane was enough for me
to head for the hills!
***Birthday, Place of Birth:
September 18, Cincinnati, OH. But grew up in Central Illinois.
***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
I currently work in the public schools as a speech therapist, so my
vast knowledge of HP comes in handy! My main role in life is to buy
books as often as possible and to read at all times.
***Other things we might want to know about you:
I remember the most trivial things and the first time I played
Trivial Pursuit at the age of 13, against my aunts & uncles, I won.
Later, when I first played my friend Linda and trounced her, she told
me, appalled, "That's the first time I have ever lost this game!"
I think this tendency of mine makes me feel quite at home with y'all!
***First contact with Harry Potter:
I first read HP in August of 1999, just before PoA came out here in
the States. I had seen it for a long time and looked at it before I
broke down and bought it. I read it in a weekend and promptly
returned to Barnes & Noble (my natural habitat) for CoS.
***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objets
d'Art, general enthusing):
Like many folks, my favorite book is PoA for many reasons. I still
think one of the most brilliant ideas was chocolate being the
antidote for an up close & personal with the dementors. I also have
a small caulron (actually a raku pot that I made at the annual street
fair here in town), a sorting hat key chain, a watch (both gifts from
a friend who indulges my obsession), the Scholastic OoP hat, and an
egg-shaped white owl. Fave characters: Hermione (like calls to like,
you know), the whole Weasley clan (although I am very seriously
worried about Percy), McGonagall (four stunners to the chest and
still going stronG!).
***Extent of Potter obsession:
It seems to have waned a bit, in terms of talking about it online,
but I did see PoA the day it was released, and going to the bookstore
at midnight to get my copy of OoP was a forgone conclusion. I also
have all the books on audiotape so that I can "read" them at the YMCA
while walking. Laugh if you will, but I've lost nearly 30 pounds
since November and have started over with SS and now do my weights
after walking through a cassette side.
***Other interests/activities:
Reading, writing in my journal, taking care of my house, veging out
in front of the tv...
***Current/recent reading:
Just read Jasper Fforde's "Something Rotten" the latest Thursday Next
***Current/recent listening:
SheDaisy, Sara Evans, whatever is on the radio
***Current/recent viewing:
The Olympics (but they're over--now what do I watch!?), Charmed, The
Gilmore Girls, Dead Like Me
Trina, who also did the cut & paste thing!
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