[the_old_crowd] I squad
saitaina at saitaina.yahoo.invalid
Wed Sep 22 14:01:46 UTC 2004
I think the Slytherin's (in particular
Draco and friends) were chosen because
they sucked up to Umbridge. They know
she's attached to the Ministry which is
the power force currently, She
obviously doesn't like their enemy of
Potter, and at that time, holds most of
the power in the school.
To them, it quite easily adds up that
sucking up to her would better place
them for when the change over at
Hogwarts occurs, not to mention later
in life. What better way to get good
in the eyes of the Minister then to be
the ones helping out his eyes and ears?
Not to mention it gives them free reign
to bully those opposed to Umbridge and
her decrees, the Gryffindors they love
to pick on.
I doubt Lucius had a role in it (too
busy licking Voldemort's...boots), I
think it was just the kids doing what
they do and grabbing whatever power
they could to further their own needs.
Having a suspicion that Umbridge
herself was a Slytherin, she would
relate and react better to them, then
to say a Hufflepuff who came up to her,
looking to get on her good side.
The only problem with this of course,
is that the I squad didn't plan for
what would happen should Umbridge lose
control. Granted they're young yet,
but apparently they didn't learn the
lessons of Voldemort and their parents
as they never planned for the end.
They were too noticeable and too
consumed with the privileges granted to
them that they made a hash of it for
when Dumbledore takes back control. I
myself would love to see Draco and
Pansy stripped of current rank
(Prefects) and taken down to size in
the next book (a good lesson to always
think ahead instead of gleefully waving
about what power you get), but I doubt
that'll happen. Sad really, would be a
good lesson.
"I do wonder why the artist gave Riddle
pointy ears in this doujinshi. I keep
waiting for Elrond to drop by."
"No, one day I'm going to look back on
all this and plow face-first into a
tree because I was looking the wrong
bloody way. And I'll still be having a
better day than I am today."
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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