I squad

quigonginger quigonginger at quigonginger.yahoo.invalid
Thu Sep 23 12:05:19 UTC 2004

I snipped most of what Saitaina wrote because I agree that it makes 
good sense.  But one part of that post caught my eye:
I myself would love to see Draco and
> Pansy stripped of current rank
> (Prefects) and taken down to size in
> the next book (a good lesson to always
> think ahead instead of gleefully waving
> about what power you get), but I doubt
> that'll happen. Sad really, would be a
> good lesson.

That would be cool.  I doubt that DD would actually do it.  He is too 
keen on second chances.  If he did, who would he choose to replace 
them?  Theo Nott?  Blaise Z?  I don't recall hearing of any girls 
except Pansy and Millicent, and they were on the I squad.  Maybe this 
would introduce the elusive "good Slyth" that many long for, but none 
have found?
Ginger, eating the world's worst pizza

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