[the_old_crowd] Re: I squad

Saitaina saitaina at saitaina.yahoo.invalid
Sun Sep 26 22:41:28 UTC 2004

Ginger wrote:

<I doubt that DD would actually do it.
He is too
keen on second chances.  If he did, who
would he choose to replace

Theodore Nott is a good candidate on
the male side, he's never actively been
against the Gryffindors until OotP when
Harry outs his dad (unless I missed him
somewhere along the line), plus JKR
said that he's the only person Draco
considers an equal, now while this is
no indication of weather he is, in
reality Draco's equal in terms of
Slytherin House, it's a good indication
he's up there (I doubt Draco would take
notice of someone not close to his rank
in the house).

As for the girls, there's at least two
other Slytherin girls (Greengrass at
least) in the year, so that could be a
moment to bring them more into the

<Maybe this would introduce the elusive
"good Slyth" that many long for, but
none have found?>

Doubt it.  I don't think JKR knows what
the term "good Slytherin" means.  Or
perhaps this batch of Slytherin's
really are just all power hungry
idiots.  *shrugs*

"I do wonder why the artist gave Riddle
pointy ears in this doujinshi. I keep
waiting for Elrond to drop by."


"No, one day I'm going to look back on
all this and plow face-first into a
tree because I was looking the wrong
bloody way. And I'll still be having a
better day than I am today."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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