Out of sight, out of mind?

mooseming josturgess at mooseming.yahoo.invalid
Thu Apr 7 09:45:50 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Barry Arrowsmith 
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> Been doing a bit ceiling gazing.
And I got to wondering .... 

I stare at walls and got to wondering 'why ceilings' are you 
horizontal or looking for divine inspiration (or both!

> 'cos there're characters and items from past HP books that just 
> to drop out of sight, too. Some will turn up again, some probably 
> won't, some will  have their moment of glory or infamy - and 
> well, it'll be "I wonder what happened to...?"
> > Decent selection to choose from.
> Comments and further suggestions welcome.
> Kneasy

Out of sight out of mind indeed. This is a product, at least in 
part, of the way JKR has chosen to narrate the books. The restricted 
pov that means essentially we can only learn about characters from 
Harry's activities, including his 'link' to Voldy, or occasionally 
from the somewhat questionable accounts of others as Harry hears 
them. So the possibilities of learning more about, for example, 
goblins and Gringotts (including via Bill) are necessarily limited. 
It has been commented on before how little we really know about the 
other houses in Hogwarts even though that is where the majority of 
the action/information is placed.

In asking who/what we will learn more about or who/what will feature 
more prominently we have to address the how.

My first contender then is Draco, if only because he has a chapter 
title! Best guess is that he takes a detour into Knockturn alley, 
either on an errand for his family or because he will, released from 
his super critical father, finally become proactive. Harry alone or 
with Hermione and/or Ron can tail him thus giving the reader a 
chance to glean valuable plot/character points. Perhaps this is 
where Harry will get his new pet! The Hand of Glory Adamms family 
style per chance.

Next up Lily, because we've been told so. This has to be via someone 
else telling a story or some kind of pensive/occlumency scam. It's 
possible JKR will invent a new type of history revealing device (eg 
Tom's diary), some objects could retain images/recordings, the WW 
equivalent of a video, mirrors maybe?

If we are to learn anything about other non Gryffindor students then 
Harry must extend his circle of friends (Luna) or there has to be 
greater interhouse (non competitive) activity, hence a previous 
thought of mine that we may see students engaging in house 
exchanges. Similarly we may have foreign exchange students from 
Beauxbatons or Durmstrang (though I for one think we've heard the 
last of them). How about inter school quidditch matches and a new 
(professional) coach? Plenty of Baggy possibilities there.

Further afield how are we to `see' what the larger world is up to. 
If the members of the DA continue to meet with school approval, as a 
response to Voldy's return, Susan Bones might be a useful source of 
info. And Peter, how on earth can we follow him? Will Harry discover 
he can spy on the baddies by possessing Nagini?

What about the dearly departed and that veil? I adore Kneasy's Draft 
of Death suggestion, travels beyond seem a strong contender. Perhaps 
this is where Lily's story will be extended.

Closer to home there's the Dursleys, specifically Petunia and her 
secret. Given that this is Harry's shortest stay at Privet Drive can 
we hope to learn anything `big'. Ditto Mrs Figg.

Lastly, old magic, Egypt and runes. Any chance of some info there? 
Christmas in Cairo anyone?


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