Out of sight, out of mind?

mooseming josturgess at mooseming.yahoo.invalid
Thu Apr 7 14:35:16 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "mooseming" <josturgess at e...> 
> What about the dearly departed and that veil? I adore Kneasy's Draft 
> of Death suggestion, 

oops, my bad, that's clearly my suggestion as Kneasy made the more 
accurate and less fantastical 'Draught of Living Death' suggestion!

the draft of death fyi would render the drinker a little 'gassy' 
creating a combined odorous protective barrier, increased propulsion 
and limited weapons capability, the major ingredient unsurprisingly is 
blast end skrewt!

fully paid up member of homophonics four oral writes

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