A dastardly Voldy plan - was: Re: Lockets

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at carolynwhite2.yahoo.invalid
Tue Aug 2 08:26:47 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "dungrollin" 
<spotthedungbeetle at h...> wrote:

> Kneasy:
> You stopped before coming to the punch-line.
> Bella killed Reggy.

> Carolyn:
> This makes a very rational sub-plot,  

Hang on. <snip>

If I've understood this correctly, Voldy set up all those
enchantments in his special cave, his blood-thirsty walls of rock,
legions of inferi, magic golden boat and all, so that Bella could
let Regulus think he'd got one over on the Dark One.

Then what? Bella gives Regulus a chance to stash the locket in 12GP,
and then kills him on Voldy's orders. So the locket is waiting where
Voldy wants it to be picked up by some passing wizard so it can
possess him and ... do something.

15 years later the Dark Lord comes back, frees Bella from Azkaban,
and (what?) decides it was a rubbish plan all along and now he wants
the locket back? Or has Bella decided she wants it for some other

But Sirius isn't allowed out to play by DD, so she doesn't get her
chance until the DoM fiasco, when she takes it. Now she's either
screamingly cross that Harry's got 12GP, or she's managed to sneak
back and get the locket just after the Order cleared out pronto.

>If that's right, 

I think the subsequent time-line is somewhat irrelevant, and Bella 
possibly just a fun embellishment. I just can't believe Reg didn't 
have help, and the most logical person to help him is actually Voldy. 
Really, very, very few other wizards would be powerful enough.

So, I was just speculating on why Voldy might want to use Reg like 
this, and suggested that the locket was being moved up to weapon-
status, in much the same manner as the diary, prior to GH. People 
keep saying that the piece of soul in the diary was different to the 
bits in the other Hxs, but we have no information either way. For all 
we know, each and every soul-fragment can take on sentient life as 
soon as they get a chance to lock on to a new human host.

I think it really unlikely that Voldy explained any of the finer 
detail to Bella, anymore than he did so with Lucius about the diary, 
but he may have ordered her to kill Regulus and make sure that 
something he was carrying was stashed safely at 12GP. He may have 
been aware that she was due to inherit, but breaking and entering 
even a house as well-protected as Pa Black's would presumably never 
be a problem for Voldy, so the inheritance issue is not that 

Voldy, of course, did not forsee the GH debacle so all bets are off 
as to what his subseqent plans for the locket might have been - maybe 
return it to its cave hiding place. However, with events turning out 
as they did, one of the things Bella might have brooded on in Azkaban 
is the important thing that her master asked her to hide for him. She 
might make an attempt to retrieve it, in order to get back in his 
good books after the MoM fiasco.

questions arising:

Why go to so much trouble to let Regulus think he was clever? If
he's being hunted by Voldy because he tried to back out of the DEs,
why doesn't Voldy capture him, force-feed him something nasty,
and watch and laugh while he takes three months to die? Why the
elaborate hoax?

I think it appealed to Voldy's sense of humour for DD to find a false 
locket, and hopefully die in the process. And Voldy probably did 
force-feed him the potion in the bird bath, and Reg no doubt had a 
very bad time of it. Bella may have been ordered to finish him off, 
or simply been told to search a dead body for the locket. 

Why go to such circuitous (I'm going to run out of synonyms, I know
it) lengths to get the locket into an ordinary wizarding family's
home? Even Malfoy came up with a better scheme than that. Imperio
someone, make them plant it, then memory charm them.

Killing two birds with one stone basically. Reg was due to die, die, 
die for his disloyalty anyway so might as well make use of him. And 
the Blacks' is no ordinary wizarding home, but a very well-protected 
one, with DE sympathies and plenty of other nasties in the cupboards.

Why has Voldy changed his mind about where he wants the locket to
be? Or, if it's Bella acting on her own, what does she want it for?

See above - belt and braces in advance of GH. Bella's just trying to 
do what she thinks her master wants/has ordered.

...I'm also convinced R.A.B. is Regulus, and I'm suspicious of 
Regulus finding the cave and getting the locket out by his own and on 
his self. I think he had help from a senior DE <snip>

The question is, who was it?

Obviously, it can't have been Snape, because if he were Good, and
out to destroy Voldy's hipkitches from such an early time, he would
have told DD all about it yonks ago, and DD would never have
bothered going to the cave to get a fake. If he were ESE (as if!),
why would he have helped Regulus pinch one of his master's trinkets?
Perhaps someone with a penchant for ESE!Snape could think this one
through, (I'm afraid my doublethink abilities are too limited).

<snip further cast of suspects>

Basically, I can't decide between ESE!Aberforth and
MoreResentfulThanHeSeems!Lucius, for the moment.

This is where I've come to a dead end as well. Snape seems to me the 
most likeliest of the whole bunch, because it is clear from the 
Sluggy evidence that  it is not unusual for very advanced students 
with an interest in the Dark Arts to be interested in Hxs. But I 
cannot figure out how he found the location of the cave, and if he 
did do it, why he would not have told DD (since naturally, he is Not 
Guilty as charged <g>).


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