A dastardly Voldy plan - was: Re: Lockets
dfrankiswork at davewitley.yahoo.invalid
Tue Aug 2 22:45:52 UTC 2005
Kimberly wrote:
> No way he would *intentionally* create spares of himself that can
> independantly of the original. They would basically be totally
> separate entities, his equal in magic and power (I assume, or what
> would be the point?), and with the same ambitions and nastiness, and
> would, therefore, set out immediately to get rid of the original.
> After all, we know he works alone, and doesn't want buddies. So
> instead of just having to deal with that annoying Potter boy, he'd
> suddenly be at war with himself, and possibly more than one of
> himself. And at varying ages, too, if the Riddle from the diary is
> any indication. I doubt he'd want to fight his younger, fitter
> self.
There'd also be the distinct possibility of V/V fanfiction, something
that should make even the darkest of Dark Lords think twice.
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