HBP - spoilers - Is it on the cards?

Randy estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 3 04:40:22 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "eloise_herisson" 
<eloiseherisson at a...> wrote:
> Kneasy:
> > Must give some thought to maybe matching other characters to cards.
> > Couuld be entertaining.
> Luna, anyone? 
> ~Eloise

I do not know about the Tarot Deck, but....

Luna represents pure Subconscious.  The moon is white (purity), and 
she is brutally blunt about topics most would avoid to speak about.  
The subconscious mind telling the conscious mind things it does not 
wish to hear.

Sorry if my spelling goes awry because I am starting to grow tired.  
Also I apologize for the late replies to messages, since I avoided 
this list for awhile when reading.

Red Eye Randy  (By the way Randolph means 'shield wolf", so I guess 
that my son and I need to be worried about becoming werewolves per 
that post by someone else about naming your kids dangerous wolf names.)

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