[the_old_crowd] Re: Horcrux thriller

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Fri Aug 5 14:57:09 UTC 2005

Reading the page from Judy's journal I noticed a few

1.  I feel something in common.  I thought I was the
only one who likes to read these books slowly and try
to guess what will come next.  I tried to read 3
chapters per day and stretch the book to about 2
weeks, but I ended up reading the last 6 chapters
pretty quickly as usual.  Delayed gratification is the
term that I was told.

2.  I think the idea that the Potions book is a
horcrux is a great idea!  It is old enough and it
could have turned Snape to the Dark Side.  Perhaps Tom
Riddle gave it to Snape's mother after he finished his
NEWT  as a gift to another promising Slytherin.  The
book slowly starts to bring you over to the Darker
Spells like it did to Harry.  Also Harry is the only
one who knows where it is, and he would have to go
back to Hogwarts to get it!  So we would also get one
last look at Hogwarts before the For Sale sign goes up
in the front yard.  Sniff, sniff.

3.  Michael Jackson is Voldemort and he did do the
Moonwalk after all the Death Eaters left the scene. 
This is why Peter Pettigrew loathes Voldy so much.  He
really hates watching Voldy do the Moonwalk.

4.  I feel a strange familiarity with Judy's journal. 
I am now longing to build a large underground secret
chamber which connects to the master bathroom.  I
beleive there is a giant monster cockroach waiting to
be released to wreck havoc throughout the
neighborhood.  BWAHAAHAAHAAAHAAA....

Red Eye Randy

--- davewitley <dfrankiswork at ...> wrote:

> Fran wrote:
> > Wait a minute, doesn't horcrux mean too many
> surgical manipulations 
> > of the face ending with bad results. 
> > 
> > I was reminded of Micheal Jackson when JKR
> described Voldy. Can 
> Voldy 
> > moonwalk and does he wear a white glove.  I can
> definitely see him 
> > dangling his child off a balcony...
> Was anyone not?
> thread=11307#t11307
> (I'm sageofgodalming and Judy is writing a book
> about MJ.)
> David

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