Horcrux thriller

Judy judy at judyserenity.yahoo.invalid
Sat Aug 13 22:58:08 UTC 2005

Randy Estes wrote:
> Reading the page from Judy's journal I noticed a few
> things...
> 1.  I feel something in common.  I thought I was the
> only one who likes to read these books slowly and try
> to guess what will come next.

This was the first time I stretched out reading a HP book,a nd I 
really liked it.  Plenty of time to speculate.  Oh, how I wish there 
were more than one book left!  Maybe JKR will have too much material 
for one book, and will have to split it into two parts. 

Randy also said:
> 2.  I think the idea that the Potions book is a
> horcrux is a great idea!  It is old enough and it
> could have turned Snape to the Dark Side....

Well, I had speculated that the potions book was a horcrux before I 
finished Book 6.  It is interesting how the book almost got Harry to 
kill Draco, but still, I tend now to think the book isn't a horcrux. 
If it were a horcrux, wouldn't Hermione's "specialis revelio" spell 
have shown it was enchanted? 

Randy then confessed:
> 4.  I feel a strange familiarity with Judy's journal. 
> I am now longing to build a large underground secret
> chamber which connects to the master bathroom.  I
> beleive there is a giant monster cockroach waiting to
> be released to wreck havoc throughout the
> neighborhood.  BWAHAAHAAHAAAHAAA....

Oh, no!  I go off to Albani-- er, California for a while, and Randy 
gets possessed by my Livejournal!  That's the last time I leave it in 
the care of Lucius Malfoy.

-- Judy, who also now gets flashes of Inferi dancing to Michael 
Jackson's "Thriller."  Did you know that Jackson used dancing undead 
again, in his 1996 film "Ghosts"? 

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