The UV

Constance Vigilance constancevigilance at
Sat Aug 6 03:25:12 UTC 2005

--- quigonginger <quigonginger at ...> wrote:

> As long as I'm here, another thought entered my mind
> today.
> Snape was supposed to kill DD if Draco failed, and
> if he (Snape) 
> didn't, then he (Snape) would die.  Draco failed
> twice and Snape 
> didn't do it, but he lived.  Does this mean that as
> long as Draco was 
> still trying and intending on succeeding that the
> Vow didn't kick 
> in?  But it only kicked in if Draco failed and
> wasn't going to try 
> again (or couldn't try again)?


CV: For that matter, we don't know if there is a time
limit on UV's. Snapey could just keep "intending to
get around to it" and stall the curse until Dumbledore
dies of something else or the Snapestir goes first.

By the way, I'm predicting that when Quirrell makes
his triumphant return in Book 7, that sneaky
Headmaster will be by his side. Did everybody notice
that my assertion that Grindelwald is related to WWII
got a hearty boost in the last interview?

CV, feeling smug about now.

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