[the_old_crowd] Re: The Battle of Hogwarts - Who are the Good Guys?
Constance Vigilance
constancevigilance at constancevigilance.yahoo.invalid
Thu Aug 11 21:28:49 UTC 2005
pippin_999 wrote:
Brutal Face was found on top of the Astronomy Tower "stupefied"
according to Scrimgeour. At first I thought this was a mistake,
either by Jo or by Scrimmy, but now, natch, I have a theory...
First, I don't think Blondie was a disguised Order member; they're
not supposed to kill if they have a choice.
CV: You don't find it suspicious that he missed ABSOLUTELY EVERYBODY other than the DE? And that he was the one who unlocked the tower stairs so that Order members could go up and do whatever saving might be necessary? As it turned out, they didn't have time, but Blondie didn't know that.
Pippin: I don't think an
Order member would set fire to Hagrid's cabin -- he would know
that Hagrid usually kept creatures in it.
CV: Probably not normally. But as Hagrid thought, a burnt house is readily fixable by a competent wizard. And Blondie may not have thought far enough ahead to think of animals.
Pippin: And I don't think any
loyal Order member would have allowed Greyback to enter the
school, even if it meant blowing cover --they'd have died first.
CV: They may not have known that Greyback had advanced to biting people when he's in human form. Lupin (who is familiar with the latest werewolf rumors) thinks that Bill's bite is unique. Except for his "furry problem", Greyback is just another DE, as far as anyone knew. And Brutal Face is there to keep Greyback in check. He stopped Greyback from killing Dumbledore, but didn't stop Snape from doing the same thing. Why? If Brutal Face hadn't been stupified, he may have been useful to keep Greyback off Harry, but who knows. SOMEBODY sent a green flash towards Harry/Greyback. Who were they aiming at?
Pippin: That leaves two unnamed Death Eaters,the ones
fighting Ron and Lupin, yet to be accounted for.
I would guess the remaining Order members chased the two unnamed
Death Eaters back to the RoR
CV: But the RoR seems to be blocked, or that would be the first choice of exit for Blondie and the siblings.
Pippin:, while Lupin went up the Tower in the
guise of looking for the Death Eater who had gone up there
and hadn't come back. He stupefied Brutal Face from behind so that
he wouldn't be observed, then picked up Harry's invisibility cloak
and used it to smuggle Greyback out of the building.
CV: Actually, according to my reading, it was Harry who stupefied Brutal Face. Then he stepped over him to go down the stairs.
I'm wondering about the Invisibility Cloak, too. It seems as if Harry is going into Revenge War dreadfully unprepared. No Invisibility Cloak. No Potions Book. It may have bad memories, but it did have excellent information. No Pensieve. Does anybody think that this artifact is likely to hold crucial information? Why not take it? Harry could even use it on himself to retrieve his Baby!Memory of who was there at his parents' deaths. And he should definitely give a careful examination of the contents of the Hiding Chamber in the RoR. But no - Harry is off to do battle barehanded and unprepared. "Bring 'em on!" Sheesh.
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