The Battle of Hogwarts - Who are the Good Guys?
foxmoth at
Thu Aug 11 22:28:21 UTC 2005
> Pippin: And I don't think any
> loyal Order member would have allowed Greyback to enter the
> school, even if it meant blowing cover --they'd have died first.
> CV: They may not have known that Greyback had advanced
to biting people when he's in human form. Lupin (who is familiar
with the latest werewolf rumors) thinks that Bill's bite is unique.
Except for his "furry problem", Greyback is just another DE,
as far as anyone knew.<
Let me revise that. I don't think a loyal Order member would
allow *any* known killer Death Eater to enter the school.
Greyback has killed a child.
"I do not believe a single person inside this castle would have
helped Black enter it," said Dumbledore, and his tone made it
so clear the subject was closed that Snape didn't reply.
And Brutal Face is there to keep Greyback in check. He stopped
Greyback from killing Dumbledore, but didn't stop Snape from
doing the same thing. Why?
Because Voldemort knows all about the vow by this time, and
is using it as a test for Snape. The DE's have orders that nobody
but Draco or Snape is to try for Dumbledore.
> Pippin: That leaves two unnamed Death Eaters,the ones
> fighting Ron and Lupin, yet to be accounted for.
> I would guess the remaining Order members chased the two
unnamed Death Eaters back to the RoR
> CV: But the RoR seems to be blocked, or that would be the first
choice of exit for Blondie and the siblings.
They don't all follow Snape, only the three we know are kinda
stupid. I would guess that Alecto and Amycus didn't get as
many OWLs between them as Harry did, and I think we're
supposed to take Blondie's clumsy shooting as evidence
that he's also not NEWT material.
Harry assumes that the Order have blocked the RoR,
because otherwise Snape would have led them out that way.
But when would they have had time? Lupin says Ron,
Ginny and Neville ran into the patrolling Order members
almost immediately and gave chase to the Death Eaters. One broke
away and headed up the Tower, the others were caught at the
base and battle was joined. McGonagall,Bill, Tonks and Lupin
were all still fighting or hors de combat when Harry came down
the stairs.
> Pippin:, while Lupin went up the Tower in the
guise of looking for the Death Eater who had gone up there
and hadn't come back. He stupefied Brutal Face from behind
so that he wouldn't be observed, then picked up Harry's invisibility
cloak and used it to smuggle Greyback out of the building.
> CV: Actually, according to my reading, it was Harry who stupefied
Brutal Face. Then he stepped over him to go down the stairs.
"Petrificus Totalus!"
The Death Eater buckled as though hit in the back with something
solid and fell to the ground, rigid as a waxwork. HBP-US 597
That is the incantation for the full body bind, which Hermione
uses on Neville in PS/SS:
"Petrificus Totalus!" she cried pointing [her wand] at Neville.
Neville's arms snapped to his sides. His whole body rigid, he swayed
where he stood and then fell flat on his face, stiff as a board.
Hermione ran to turn him over. Neville's jaws were jammed together
so he couldn't speak. Only his eyes were moving, looking at them
in horror.
"What've you done to him?" Harry whispered.
"It's the full Body-Bind," said Hermione miserably.
As we learned then, and were reminded in HBP, the body bind
leaves its victim immobilized but conscious.
'Stupefy' is the stunning spell, which, unlike the body bind,
renders the victim unconscious. I think it shows up first in GoF
when the Ministry uses it to stun Winky.
Scrimgeour is specific about the condition of the Death
Eater: "Somebody Stupefied a Death Eater on top of the
tower after Dumbledore died." Scrimgeour is an ex-Auror,
he ought to know what he is talking about.
So, it looks to me like somebody Stupefied the already
paralyzed Death Eater after Harry had gone. The Ministry
found him unconscious, and whatever they used to take
the spell off him removed the body bind as well.
It got me confused, too. I had to iron my hands on That Other
List for saying Harry had stupefied Bruteface. He didn't.
> I'm wondering about the Invisibility Cloak, too. It seems as if
Harry is going into Revenge War dreadfully unprepared.
No Invisibility Cloak. No Potions Book.
It's not the first time he abandoned his cloak on top of the
Astronomy Tower. He did the same in PS/SS and got it back
later with an unsigned note, "Just in case." He also left it in the
Shrieking Shack. Lupin picked it up as they were leaving and later
returned it to Harry next day. Foreshadowing?
I'm guessing Harry will get the cloak back once more from an
anonymous benefactor. Somebody he probably shouldn't trust
as far as he can throw Buckbeak -- Witherwings, I mean.
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