More and More Harry Potter symbols in Horus vs. Set story
estesrandy at
Sat Aug 13 15:49:23 UTC 2005
Okay, you all probably found this before, but to me this is an
epiphany. Read this and then take your shots at my theory! I
already mentioned the origin of the Phoenix and its battle with the
Serpent! There is more below:
The source of Harry Potter legend... Horus versus Set
Here is a list of common symbols:
1. The followers of Horus here mentioned are called in the
text "Mesniu," i.e., "blacksmiths," or "workers in metal," and they
represent the primitive conquerors of the Egyptians, who were armed
with metal weapons, and so were able to overcome with tolerable ease
the indigenous Egyptians, whose weapons were made of flint and wood.
Names of Quidditch players are Flynt and Wood !
2. The fight between the Sun-god and Set was a very favourite
subject with Egyptian writers, and there are many forms of it. Thus
there is the fight between Heru-ur and Set, the fight between Ra and
Set, the fight between Heru-Behutet and Set, the fight between
Osiris and Set, and the fight between Horus, son of Isis, and Set.
In the oldest times the combat was merely the natural opposition of
light to darkness, but later the Sun-god became the symbol of right
and truth as well as of light, and Set the symbol of sin and
wickedness as well as of darkness, and ultimately the nature myth
was forgotten, and the fight between the two gods became the type of
the everlasting war which good men wage against sin. In Coptic
literature we have the well-known legend of the slaughter of the
dragon by St. George, and this is nothing but a Christian adaptation
of the legend of Horus and Set.
Bingo! The slaying of the dragon linked to the story of Horus and
3. After these things Horus, son of Ra, and Horus, son of Isis, each
took the form of a mighty man, with the face and body of a hawk, and
each wore the Red and White Crowns, and each carried a spear and
chain. In these forms the two gods slew the remnant of the enemies.
Now by some means or other Set came to life again, and he took the
form of a mighty hissing or "roaring" serpent, and hid himself in
the ground, in a place which was ever after called the "place of the
Set comes back to life by taking the form a a mighty Serpent !
4. The last great fight in the North took place at Tanis, in the
eastern part of the Delta. When the position of the enemy had been
located, Horus took the form of a lion with the face of a man, and
he put on his head the Triple Crown.
The Lion of Gryffindor !
5. Meanwhile rebellion had again broken out in Nubia, where about
one-third of the enemy had taken refuge in the river in the forms of
crocodiles and hippopotami. Ra counselled Horus to sail up the Nile
with his Blacksmiths, and when Thoth had recited the "Chapters of
protecting the Boat of Ra" over the boats, the expedition set sail
for the South. The object of reciting these spells was to prevent
the monsters which were in the river from making the waves to rise
and from stirring up storms which might engulf the boats of Ra and
Horus and the Blacksmiths
Now the boat in the water protected by the reciting of magic spells
to prevent the monsters which were in the river (inferi?) from
attacking. Perhaps another trip back to the cave for Harry and
You know Harry sounds a little like Horus to me! And maybe Horcrux
is not cross-eyed but Cross Horus or Against Horus (ie Against Harry)
To read more just see this link :
Redus <o> Randus
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