Source of Lily is Isis the mother of Horus
estesrandy at
Sat Aug 13 17:53:36 UTC 2005
This for me is the nail in the coffin about the source for Harry
Harry's mother Lily is a perfect fit for Isis (The goddess who
became the essence of nurturing love and magic). Bingo!
1. Voldemort kills James. Set kills Osiris (father of Horus).
The daughter of Geb, sister to Osiris and Seth, the opposing gods of
the ancient land, Isis, would come to epitomize love. Isis was also
the great wife of the god Osiris. The goddess became the essence of
nurturing love and magic. When a jealous Seth slew the beloved
Osiris and dropped his body into the Nile, Isis did not simply mourn
her lost love, but moved all forces of nature and rescued the body
of her husband from where it had come to rest in Byblos.
2. Lily tries to protect and hide baby Harry from Voldemort.
Isis went out into the countryside, gave birth to Horus and hid him
in the papyrus marshes, guarding him from Seth and the natural
forces and dangers, such as snakes and predators, until he came of
3. The power of Love from Isis is the greatest magic:
Ever after, kings, were the incarnation of Horus and the kings
sought the protection of the goddess. The ancient regents saw the
goddess with a throne upon her head and reached out to the divine
essence of royalty. As wife of Osiris, associated with kingship or
the deceased kings of Egypt, and as mother of Horus, the falcon god,
always associated with the living Pharaoh, so Isis with her powers
of love and magic became the epitome of the rights of kings.
4. A reference to Sirius:
Throughout the rule of the pharaohs, and on into the Greco-Roman
times, and on into modern times, this goddess, because of her
tenacious devotion, is known as the goddess of love. The Greeks,
likewise, elevated Isis with her divine consort to the heavens.
Osiris was Orion and Isis was Sirius. For her brilliance, Isis was
called the "eye of Re," the powerful sun god. Another representation
of Isis is as the "house" of Osiris, the womb of Horus.
5. Harry has Lily's eyes, and her love protects Harry from Evil.
Imagery: Horus was represented as a falcon or a falcon beaded man,
his eyes were the sun and the moon. As the falcon, equated to the
king. The eye of the moon
was the eye that was lost in battle with Seth. The ?eye of Horus?
charm is considered protection
against evil.
see this link:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the "Theory Jury", I wish to take a short
recess, while you review the evidence.
Redus <o> Randus
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