Ethics, Schmethics

Waldo Glatisant waldoglatisant at
Tue Aug 16 19:10:58 UTC 2005

But seriously, I am glad Abeforth's
cloven-hoofed-friend introduced the dicey topic of
shmethics as it affords me an awkward segue into my
personal reaction to certain events in HBP.

I tend to completely lose a sense of distance ... a
sense of "it's just a story" and "I'm not in it" at
times when I read fiction - and especially in the HP

So I see myself in the garden of The Burrow walking
with Scrimegeour and I realize just how much more
manipulative and petty I am by nature than our

My first response to Scrimegeour would have been ...
so what are you offering me?  

OK, that is why I am not a hero. That is why I can see
Harry with the heart of a true hero. But nope, not me.
The heroic epic would have ended in that garden. I
would have started bargaining. I would have asked for
Umbridge to be brought up on charges for sending the
dementors and threatening a child with an
unforgiveable curse.  I would have demanded that Percy
and Fudge be fired immediately ... just for spite.
Then I would have tried to engineer some really big
public gesture on the part of the Ministry whereby
they indirectly made it extremely clear to all that
they had deliberately tried to discredit Harry and DD
for all the petty reasons ... and now recognize the
OOTP as the true vanguard in the struggle against LV.
If I couldn't get all that, I might settle for money,
status, power, and groveling. But definitely, I'd want
Umbridge's head on a platter (metaphorically, of
course), and Percy's walking papers. 

Bottom line is, I am much more petty than little HP
and lack his purity of intention. After all the Shiite
they put him through, I would see what I could milk'em
for ... just to see them sweat. 

Good thing I'm not the chosen one. Someone once told
me if all our wishes came true, there wouldn't be any
of us left.



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