[the_old_crowd] Drinking, Schminking, was Re: Ethics, Schmethics

Waldo Glatisant waldoglatisant at waldoglatisant.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 17 11:48:48 UTC 2005

--- eloise_herisson <eloiseherisson at ...> wrote:

> To be honest, I'm not sure what I make of it. I'd
> have no problem 
> whatsoever sitting down for a glass with Dumbledore,
> or going down 
> the three Broomsticks for a jar, but there *is* a
> bit of me that's 
> uncomfortable with the way some of it's written,
> which is partly 
> because I come (as does JKR) from a culture which
> has a growing 
> problem with young drinkers and in particular with
> young people binge-
>  drinking. I suppose that in fact we are seeing the
> dangers of 
> alcohol portrayed, but apart from the pathetic
> Morfin, excess 
> drinking is here portrayed as amusing (Sybil, Fat
> Lady), impressive 
> (Mrs Cole) or as a way of exploiting someone else to
> get what you 
> need.
> In a book aimed at a young readership, I do wonder
> about the judgement of some of this.
> ~Eloise

As a former drinker and as a therapist, I always
notice how people drink in books and movies. 

Not to be too prudish, but it does concern me just a
tad that our chronic drunks (Winky and Trelawny) are
sort of just hanging out, drinking their lives away
for our amusement with apparently no hope of recovery.
I am not sure if rehab / recovery from addiction is a
concept that exists in the WW.  

OT aside: anyone want to clue me in to what ESE stands
for? Evil S... E... ? 


- Larry Fights

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