[the_old_crowd] Re: Further thoughts

Waldo Glatisant waldoglatisant at waldoglatisant.yahoo.invalid
Sun Aug 21 22:01:15 UTC 2005

--- nkafkafi <nkafkafi at ...> wrote:
> Neri:
> Some more things we found out in HBP (and related
> interviews):

> We found out who knows the full prophecy today.

Other than Harry and the now late DD?  who else? It
seems to me that Harry is now the only living person
who would know.  Trelawney can't remember and Snape
only heard part of the prophecy. Oh, and now of course
Ron and Hermy-oh-ninny now know as well - because
Harry told them. Did this mean we learned something? 
> We found out what's "neither can live while the
> other survives" means

I am sorry, what did we learn from HBP about that
phrase that we didn't know before? 
> We found out what's in the locked room (big deal...)

In HP6?  We did? From OotP and interviews we learned a
thing or two, but from HBP?

> We found out that Voldy still believes he's
> protected by Harry's blood.

Where did we learn that? What does that mean really? 
He thinks he is protected by Harry's blood?  In HP:GoF
he says he has overcome the inability to touch Harry
because of the blood magic, but what did we learn
about his understanding of this in HBP?

> We found out what happened to Kreacher and to
> Sirius' estate.

What did we learn other than that Harry is the
presumed inheritor? 
> We found out James wasn't that much of a bully after
> all.

What did we learn about this in HBP? 
> We found out Severus was indeed playing with Dark
> Arts at school.

We already knew that that he was "up to his eyeballs
in the dark arts," no?     

> We found out that the gum wrappers don't mean
> nothin' at all.

>From the book?  I thought that came up in an
interview,  but I don't think it was mentioned in the

> We found out the H/H shippers were delusional. 

Well,  we knew that :)
> We found out whom Snape really loves.

We did? 

- flummoxed!Waldo

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