Snape's baby (was Re: Kneasy / Snape & Lily)

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at
Mon Aug 22 09:05:33 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "eloise_herisson" <eloiseherisson at a...> wrote:
> Catlady:
> > By the way, an HPfGU post
> > has
> > independently come up with your theory that Snape's reason for 
> allying
> > with DD is to get revenge on LV for LV having murdered Snape's wife
> > and child. This listie uses DD's words while drinking the green goo
> > instead of using the Occlumency lesson flashback, and postulates 
> that
> > the Snape baby was born at the same time as Harry and Neville,
> > therefore a possible Prophecy Baby. 
> Eloise:
> Yeah. That was the one I referenced the other day but didn't quote.
> It's not impossible, but I think it's unlikely. Part of it's just a 
> gut feeling that it's *wrong*, that although there's clearly more to 
> learn about the past, this seems a step too far. I'm certain we'll 
> get more about Lily, James and probably almost certainly more about 
> Snape in relationship to Lily and James, but I have a feeling we 
> won't get much more on Snape individually. Of course I could be 
> comptetely wrong as Snape is now taking centre stage in the way that 
> some of us always thougt he should. ;-)
> Secondly, I believe I'm right in thinking that the part of the 
> prophecy which Snape overheard was,
> "The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches ... Born 
> to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month 
> dies ..."
> For this to tie in, it means that Snape and his putative wife must 
> already already have defied Voldemort three times (for Snape to think 
> the prophecy referred to his chld) and that Voldemort must know this 
> (for there to be any danger that LV would interpret it that way) in 
> which case I'm very surprised that Snape wasn't AK'd on the spot, 
> rather than punished for witholding the information by the death of 
> his wife and child as the theory suggests. It certainly seems 
> foolish, even by Voldemort's Evil Overlord standards to (apparently) 
> put so much trust in one whom he knows has already defied him.
> If true, it also means (although of course, this is par for the 
> course for Kneasy's DD) that Dumbledore was slightly economical with 
> the truth in telling Harry about the prophecy, by telling him there 
> were only *two* children to whom this prophecy could refer.

Just to clarify:
Although I've repeatedly whittered on ... and on ... and on, boring members
with Snape!Son and Blackwidower, i.e. Voldy was responsible for Mrs and
young Master Snape shuffling off this mortal coil and quitting this vale of
tears, I didn't go so far as to suggest that Snape!Son was a possibility as
Voldy's instrument of doom as foretold in the Prophecy. That's an extension
to the theory I can't take credit for and SFAIK is completely original to whoever
posted it on HPfGU.

Nice idea to play around with - Snape's attitude towards Harry would be 
partly explained by anguish at the thought of his own son dying yet this little
scrote Potter survives. Life just ain't fair. Mind you, it works to a certain
extent even if Snape jnr. wasn't a Prophesy possible, but the Bang factor is
reduced somewhat. 

But somehow I don't see it. As others have pointed out it's difficult to imagine
Snapey defying Voldy three times - once perhaps, and getting his knuckles
severely rapped - his family gets the chop because of something he did/didn't
do or Voldy uses them as an example 'pour encourages les autres' and Sevvy 
decamps to DD's side as a consequence. Might even have been a mistake -
a 'friendly fire' incident. Whatever. It was a devious attempt to tie together
disparate bits of canon (Florence, Snape's memories, Snape's switch and Jo
refusing to comment on the  marital status of Hogwarts staff) into an
entertaining whole. Might even be accurate. Now wouldn't that be a surprise? 

There again there's a lot I don't see - like a Half-blood!Snape as a DE. Doesn't 
seem to match the DE ethic, does it? Why would Half-blood!Snape be Head 
of Slytherin House? That seems a bit odd too,  a bastion of the Pure-blood
conceit headed by an example of what they hate. It's facts like this that cause
me to doubt Snape as HBP.  Bits of the jig-saw seem to be in the wrong place.


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