Snape's baby (was Re: Kneasy / Snape & Lily)
eloiseherisson at
Mon Aug 22 13:18:13 UTC 2005
It was a devious attempt to tie together
> disparate bits of canon (Florence, Snape's memories, Snape's switch
and Jo
> refusing to comment on the marital status of Hogwarts staff) into
> entertaining whole. Might even be accurate. Now wouldn't that be a
It could well be true and the most telling bit of evidence, I think
its the marital status thing. JKR is apparently hiding something and
what other likely candidate is there? IIRC the only other member of
staff that has any hint of back history is Flitwick (not that his
duelling credentials did him much good against Severus). The only ex
member of staff I can imagine her wanting to hide something about is
Lupin. *Could* be Sybill, but I doubt it.
> There again there's a lot I don't see - like a Half-blood!Snape as
a DE. Doesn't
> seem to match the DE ethic, does it?
It doesn't. Like Hermione suggested (re DEs in general) he must have
hidden his lineage. Calling Lily a Mudblood could have been part of
that pretence.
But then, why would he make up that dreadful title? I think it's
highly significant that Lupin had never heard it - he obviously
didn't flaunt it. It's one of the reasons I suggested that perhaps it
was Lily's nickname for him, getting him back for insulting her own
lineage and that perhaps it was she who wrote it in the book. The
handwriting could have been forged (even magically).
Why would Half-blood!Snape be Head
> of Slytherin House? That seems a bit odd too, a bastion of the
> conceit headed by an example of what they hate.
Well, I think that's probably down to the fact that the Head of House
is appointed by Dumbledore, not the Sorting Hat.
It's facts like this that cause
> me to doubt Snape as HBP. Bits of the jig-saw seem to be in the
wrong place.
BTW, regarding that ghastly moniker, I have to share this (which I
found following links from David's lj):
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