Snape's baby (was Re: Kneasy / Snape & Lily)
sdutchen at
Mon Aug 22 13:33:08 UTC 2005
> Kneasy:
> > There again there's a lot I don't see - like a Half-blood!Snape
> a DE. Doesn't
> > seem to match the DE ethic, does it?
> Eloise:
> It doesn't. Like Hermione suggested (re DEs in general) he must
> hidden his lineage. Calling Lily a Mudblood could have been part of
> that pretence.
> But then, why would he make up that dreadful title? I think it's
> highly significant that Lupin had never heard it - he obviously
> didn't flaunt it.
Although, I think Lupin danced around actually answering the question
when Harry brought it up. He said it wasn't James, or Sirius, or
himself "definitely not," IIRC. (I'm at work without the book or
I'd check the exact quote.) And then he conveniently neglected to
mention other students in his year who were good at potions, like
Snape, and instead suggested that Harry look at the age of the book,
which is an odd piece of advice, considering that the scribblings
could have been made many years later (as, indeed, they were). So he
could as likely have been trying to send Harry sniffing down the
wrong path as confessing his honest ignorance.
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