Sharing Secrets

Lyn J. Mangiameli kumayama at
Sun Aug 28 17:52:44 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> wrote:
> --- In the_old_crowd at, "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)"
> <catlady at w...> 
> wrote:
> > Why did Dumbledore tell Harry to tell only Ron and Hermione about
> the Horcruxes, not Ron, Hermione, and Ginny? Did he not know about 
> H/G  ship, did he think Ginny is too underage to be involved, did he
> > think Ginny retains a link to LV from CoS? 
> Pippin:
> There was no H/G ship as yet when Dumbledore advised Harry to share
> his secrets with his friends, Ron and Hermione.
Lyn Now:
I find the whole matter of sharing secrets to be an underlying theme of the series. 

We have, as just a partial list:
DD recommending himself as secret keep for the Potters.
The Potters, as well as Sirius, having their own ideas about who should be secret keeper
Petter revealing the secret
The Dursely's keeping multiple secrets from Harry
Harry attempting to keep secret from LV/Quirrel that he had retreived the stone from the 
Dobby struggling with maintaining the Malfoy secrets.
Of course we have the Chamber of Secrets
DD telling Harry to keep some things secret from others, such as revealing Neville's secret.
Yet at other times DD telling Harry to share major secrets with only Ron and Hermione.

Obviously the list could be expanded ten times.

Now part of this is just the workings of real life, and part of this is inherent to a mystery 
(though she doesn't entirely subscribe to the genre), but it seems to me that the 
pervasiveness of secrets has greater meaning both to JKR and for the series. With respect 
to the latter, as the entire series is basically put into play by one breaking a secret, I can't 
help but wonder if the series will end with the maintaining of a secret.  

Any takers for this as a topic of discussion?

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