Dumbledore the shipper/flint-searching/JKR's consistency
dfrankiswork at davewitley.yahoo.invalid
Mon Aug 29 17:00:32 UTC 2005
Catlady wrote:
> Why did Dumbledore tell Harry to tell only Ron and Hermione about the
> Horcruxes, not Ron, Hermione, and Ginny? Did he not know about H/G
> ship, did he think Ginny is too underage to be involved, did he
> think Ginny retains a link to LV from CoS?
Delusional, my dear, delusional. Those anvil-sized bat-bogey hexes
totally passed him by.
The way he encouraged Harry and Hermione to go hippogriff-riding at
night showed that he was a danger to the fandom who had to be got rid
of. No doubt Snape is an R/H man to the core, hence that expression
of loathing.
Kirst wrote:
> You know, scratching around for flints always leaves me feeling
> slightly sordid.
Indeed. No doubt that's the attraction.
There has been considerable discussion of the extent to which JKR's
world is consistent. I think it's worth pointing out that nobody has
yet been able to write a consistent description of our *own* world,
despite the collective effort of thousands of well-funded scientists,
let alone an invented one of realistic complexity.
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