Got a question...

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at
Fri Dec 2 15:59:22 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, silmariel <silmariel at t...> wrote:
> Wouldn't it be nice that when Remus enlightened us with the possibility of a 
> changing Patronus, he was speaking about Snape? You know I'm in the 
> Blackwidower camp.

Huh. Not very keen on this 'changing Patronus' lark. Seems like very dodgy
plotting to me - that's if it's true. Can't say that I accept everything that
Remus says as unblemished fact. Yeah, he's probably intended as a
suffering, unjustly despised/feared character, bearing up bravely under
the burden of an incurable affliction. So what? I still don't like him. Too
meek, mild and smarmy by half except when the moon shines brightly 
when he reverts to what is probably his true personality - a ravening 
monster. With a bit of luck it'll turn out to be the opposite of what we 
expect - in reality he's a child-eating, rabidly vicious wolf who was bitten
by a liberal, causing him to spend most of his time as an interferring

> The thing is, I don't know if it is a bad translation but I've opened FBAWTFT 
> (Spanish version, I mean) and it states (in the winged horses section) that 
> thestrals are able to make themselves invisible, not exactly that they are 
> invisible till certain requirements are met. It maybe an incorrect 
> translation, it maybe a flint, but I understand there is a small window 
> opened for them being visible -if they happen to want to- so you *might* be 
> able to see your own patronus.

Could well be a dodgy translation.
The Lexicon confirms the impression I had - Thestrals can only be seen by
those that have seen death.

> Honestly I prefer a dragon - but I had to toy with Thestrals, they suit Snape 
> so much. Of course, I wanted it a black dragon, but they come in silver.
> I've just found this one, who has black in the name:
> Hebridean Black - wings similar to that of a bat - feeds mostly on stags - 
> ocasionally hunts big dogs *cough**cough**cough* 

Good oh. 
Bring Sirius back from the dead so that he can be a spit-roasted munchie.
Serve him right. (I *really* don't like Sirius. Whinging traitorous creep IMO.)
And if Harry ends up as the pudding course, so be it. Got to encourage these
endangered species - rich diversity of life, and all that. And when it comes 
down to it what's another wizard here or there? 

I've been waiting for 2 books to revel in the blood-boultered, gore-encrusted
Weasley cull. Long overdue, I think. Why have so many of 'em unless they're
going to end up as Veil-fodder? Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. "Charlie, 
Gred, Forge, Percy and Ginny Weasley - this is a good day for something 
horrible to happen to  you."
Gives me a warm glow just thinking about it. Throw in Luna and that Creevey
creep and my cup will runneth over.  
> Bip. A dementor is not listed a beast. Pity that a boggart isn't or we could 
> end in Ridikkulus.

She's spoiling the fun again.


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