Got a question...

fhmaneely fmaneely at
Tue Dec 6 01:10:10 UTC 2005

> > David:  
> > Sadly, in the UK, this is not always the case, and one sometimes 
> > that people draw political conclusions from quite incidental 
> > features.  For example, one might look at a person and say "this 
> > person wears a Fair Isle sweater, and therefore supports entry 
> > the Euro" or "this person sports a beard, and therefore sets 
> > devices near laboratories where animal experiments take place" 
> > or "this person takes part in discussions of fiction on the 
> > and therefore cannot be trusted to take part in the electoral 
> > 
> Stereotypes, true. And obviously there are exceptions (odd that I've
> proudly sported a beard for 30+years - and I hang around labs), but 
> worrying thing about stereotypes is that to be stereotypes they 
have to 
> have some basis in fact. For example, if I said to you - "tie-dyed 
> hairy legs, sandals," which part of the political spectrum would 
> connect the description with? Be honest.
> > It's hard to see how we can get away from this backward state of 
> > affairs.  My own solution is to make handguns available to the 
> > population on demand, and then these people would soon be put in 
> > place.  It does Mr Blair credit that, in his adherence to Mr 
> > lead in everything, he shows that he recognises this problem.
> > 
> Guns? For blowing away Fair-Isle sweater wearers? Seems a bit 
> even to me. Education and aversion therapy would be adequate IMO.
> Mind you, guns would be very useful in discouraging the police from 
> shooting innocent (and invariably unarmed) members of the public. 
> Happened too often for comfort over the past few years. Maybe the 
> prospect of getting ventilated themselves might curb their 
> Kneasy
In the states we have the right to bear arms. Unfortunately, they are 
used to settle petty arguments, in stead of talking about one's 
differing opinions. I wonder whatever happened to a good ole fist 
fight?. My favorite here of course is if you look at someone wrong in 
traffic or accidently cut a person off, they may come after you with 
a gun. Be careful who you flip off! Anyway, the biggest problem with 
guns is that innocent people, especially children get injured or 
killed. If idiots want to get involved in the gangland shootouts, 
thats fine with me, just don't harm the innocent bystanders. This 
just cleans up the nations DNA and gene pool.

Kneasy you are wrong about gun ownership discouraging police 
shootings people. I think this actually increases, esp since you have 
those nice cop killer bullets which penetrate any type of flak vest. 
It tends to make them a bit more on edge and trigger happy. 

After this serious stuff, I will end with a silly joke.  What goes 
clip-clop, clip-clop, BANG clip-clop clip-clop clip-clop?
A drive by shooting in Amish country....<grin> corny I know


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