Dragons, Produced and Tickled, and Other Pleasantries
nrenka at nrenka.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 15 20:27:36 UTC 2005
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Barry Arrowsmith"
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> Wouldn't work, I think.
> Free-for-all discussion, expressing contrary views and the like only
> surfaces in subjects that are, well subjective. Where analyses,
> opinions, conclusions are open to personally derived
> interpretations. Potions doesn't fall into that category - it's
> fact-based, like physics or chemistry. Any student who knew enough
> to dispute with the lecturer shouldn't be in the class anyway.
The idea that there isn't discussion and argument and the like would
be a strong shock to all of my friends in the sciences, who regularly
have rousing arguments about topic both there and at the dinner table.
> I'd agree that Lockhart is a lightweight, but consider - Snape,
> without too much effort simultaneously squelches Harry and Sirius
> at GP. No, I don't think bumptious students would get much change
> out of an old hand like Sevvy.
I was thinking about what might happen in situations where shouting
and the appeal to emotions and authority wouldn't get anywhere--a
little like a moderated debate with a moderator who's actually doing
his job. (I like Jim Lehrer as one, meself.) Not quite the same
thing as an insult-filled argument in the kitchen. Le yawn.
-Nora wonders where the sun went so early in the afternoon...
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