Dragons, Produced and Tickled, and Other Pleasantries

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 15 20:54:11 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "nrenka" <nrenka at y...> wrote:
> The idea that there isn't discussion and argument and the like would 
> be a strong shock to all of my friends in the sciences, who regularly 
> have rousing arguments about topic both there and at the dinner table.

With the professor? Or were they disseminating their own ignorance?
There's a difference.

I once disputed with a biochemistry lecturer - got banned from the class
for 3 months. It makes passing that exam very tough indeed. Text books
never seem to cover the apparently minor but in reality very critical details.

> I was thinking about what might happen in situations where shouting 
> and the appeal to emotions and authority wouldn't get anywhere--a 
> little like a moderated debate with a moderator who's actually doing 
> his job.  (I like Jim Lehrer as one, meself.)  Not quite the same 
> thing as an insult-filled argument in the kitchen.  Le yawn.

Authority? In GP? It was Sirius that was claiming that he had authority,
much good that it did him, or are you speaking more generally?
You don't have moderators in fact-based lectures. You have a pen, paper
and hopefully fully-functional hearing. You assimilate, hoping that
knowledge absorption is akin to osmosis - immerse yourself deeply 
enough and some will percolate through no matter what. (Oddly enough
it was a disagreement about osmotic pressures in ionic solutions that
got me thrown out of that class.)


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