bugger and All things Snape

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Tue Dec 27 11:36:18 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Kathy King <kking0731 at g...> wrote:
> Lupin has truly been suspicious. I heard someone say once that duplicity is
> human nature and thought who else would be the painted good guy? His entire
> character leaves me agape. Here's this guy who had no friends and was very
> lucky indeed to even attend school let alone make friends and then go one
> further and have friends that accept his deformity
Wow. Oh but then came
> Snape to ruin all his fun. But his good friends would not allow Snape to
> ruin all their fun becoming Animagus? Then something terrible happened,
> James saved Snape and therefore ended the outing spree. James and Sirius
> both grew up to the fact that taking someone's life was not worth the
> outings but did Lupin? Was Lupin really able to cope with being alone during
> his transformations again? Well I would think the door would be wide open to
> options. If someone were to approach Lupin with a quick fix, would he have
> taken it? This is a guy who thinks of himself, not others. I'm fairly sure
> he could be persuaded, especially in his teenage years.
> I guess in the end, for me, it was Lupin's lack of emotion to Sirius' death
> compared to his overtly and emotionally disbelief at Dumbledore's death that
> has me sold that Lupin has a toe tag waiting for him in the end.

Surfacing after the seasonal surfeit.

Yep, there're a lot of gaps and inconsistencies that prevent a clear view of Wolf-Boy.
As with most of the HP characters if we knew just a little bit more of his past we 
would have a fair crack at forecasting his future progression (be it exposure for 
past dirty deeds followed by satisfying retribution, or more boring - IMO - the 
leaden let-down that he's a largely ineffectual ditherer who meant well).

We've come to expect (though it may be unjustified) that the form of ones Patronus
is an indication of character - yet we don't know what ectoplasmal beastie Lupin
produces - despite his having conjured it on the Express in PoA. Very suspicious,
to my way of thinking. Throw in that he was quite conversational with that first
Dementor (as DADA one would expect him  to be aware that, as DD said "They
are not open to pleading or excuses," or persuasion, I'd expect), so suspicious
minds could be excused for wondering what's going on. 

And that battered case with the peeling name - an unemployable professor? So
how did he get the appellation? His father's, some think - but. What are the odds
that he has a father that a) was in the teaching profession and b) had exactly the
same initials as Lupin. Pretty long, I'd think. So  has he been teaching elsewhere
at some time or other? And what teaching establishment would that be?  SFAIK
there's been no depiction of Lupin meeting any of the Durmstrang mob. Pity;
it might answer a few questions.

Fertile ground for speculation. Best make hay while the sun is still shining.
I note that Jo's Chrissie pressie to fans consisted of stifling a few more of the
extant speculative threads. 
Probably didn't want us to worry our little heads about such stuff.
How kind.


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