[the_old_crowd] Re: bugger and All things Snape
Kathy King
kking0731 at snow15145.yahoo.invalid
Tue Dec 27 02:01:25 UTC 2005
> Pippin:
> Nope. I didn't exclude the middle. JKR did. Apart from his passivity
> and his furry little problem, which in this scenario he will
> triumphantly overcome, what blemishes does Lupin have?
Not many
isn't that the real problem? Lupin doesn't show emotion and yet at
the end of HBP, Lupin is more devastated by the news of Dumbledore's sudden
demise than anyone else in the wizarding world. To me it was a scream of
pain when the news was announced but what was more was the way in which
Lupin excused everyone in the hospital room who felt they contributed to
Dumbledore's death by saying "it wasn't your fault". I wont bother to quote
them all but Lupin tells each person that feels this way that it isn't their
fault. Very curious that he feels or knows that it is not anyone's fault
that would like to admit to it. It really does seem to fit that Lupin has
remained the silent contributor to the Potters death.
We meet Lupin in POA and assume that Dumbledore has hired him but what if
Lupin also (like Pettigrew) realized that Sirius escape could possibly
threaten him? If Lupin were guilty, wouldn't Lupin have attempted shelter in
the safest place possible, Hogwarts? I like to think of Dumbledore as being
suspicious of Lupin's acquired position knowing full well of the jinx that
had been placed upon it. Even when Snape asks Dumbledore in the Great Hall
(after Sirius break-in) if he recalls his fear of appointing the position to
Lupin, Dumbledore could honestly answer that no one inside the castle, at
that point, Would help Sirius get in. Lupin was afraid that Sirius became
aware of the truth after Pettigrew's death but when he learned via the map
that Pettigrew was alive, there was still a possible chance. Lupin entered
the shack with extreme power. Lupin was in charge. Lupin could evaluate the
situation. A bit of Legilimence on Sirius told him that Sirius still blamed
Peter and never found out that he was the true culprit. Peter never knew, a
bit slow on the uptake, that Lupin was involved at all. Peter felt that he
was truly to blame so he could still be used as the scapegoat.
Lupin has truly been suspicious. I heard someone say once that duplicity is
human nature and thought who else would be the painted good guy? His entire
character leaves me agape. Here's this guy who had no friends and was very
lucky indeed to even attend school let alone make friends and then go one
further and have friends that accept his deformity
Wow. Oh but then came
Snape to ruin all his fun. But his good friends would not allow Snape to
ruin all their fun becoming Animagus? Then something terrible happened,
James saved Snape and therefore ended the outing spree. James and Sirius
both grew up to the fact that taking someone's life was not worth the
outings but did Lupin? Was Lupin really able to cope with being alone during
his transformations again? Well I would think the door would be wide open to
options. If someone were to approach Lupin with a quick fix, would he have
taken it? This is a guy who thinks of himself, not others. I'm fairly sure
he could be persuaded, especially in his teenage years.
I guess in the end, for me, it was Lupin's lack of emotion to Sirius' death
compared to his overtly and emotionally disbelief at Dumbledore's death that
has me sold that Lupin has a toe tag waiting for him in the end.
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