bugger Lupin [Was Re: bugger and All things Snape]

ewe2 ewetoo at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Tue Dec 27 11:34:28 UTC 2005

On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 11:28:01PM -0000, nrenka wrote:
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> wrote:
> > Pippin:
> > Nope. I didn't exclude the middle. JKR did. Apart from his passivity
> > and his furry little problem,  which in this scenario he will
> > triumphantly overcome, what blemishes does Lupin have?
> So if Lupin improves to any degree on his passivity and society has 
> some improvements in views of werewolves, he's become perfect?
> -Nora doesn't quite see it, herself

You know, my problem with Lupin is that I don't particularly care about him.
I've seen so much analysis on him to and fro and none of it (except for
entertainment value) has really come to much. There isn't much to go on

I think we might have to swallow something rather unpalatable. Lupin is just a
lightly-written character, doomed to be the 'werewolf on the street'
eyewitness. Despite protestations to the contrary, I don't think Ginny's
character has much further depth to it either, even though she was given a bit
more to do in book 6 than Lupin. I could add a few more essentially passive
characters to the list, but Lupin and Ginny have at least the pretence that
they may have a future active role. And a cull will be necessary. It's more
bangy to cull active characters, but surely a few passive ones like Lupin and
Ginny are perfect to do one active task, and get death eaten.

"Harry, the horcrux is in -- aaaggghhhh!"

Just because we look like sheep doesn't mean we aren't penguins.

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