bugger and All things Snape
foxmoth at pippin_999.yahoo.invalid
Tue Dec 27 17:42:11 UTC 2005
> Pippin:
> > Nope. I didn't exclude the middle. JKR did. Apart from his passivity
> > and his furry little problem, which in this scenario he will
> > triumphantly overcome, what blemishes does Lupin have?
> So if Lupin improves to any degree on his passivity and society has
> some improvements in views of werewolves, he's become perfect?
Of course JKR wouldn't fantasize about drooling fan girls or harems,
but she has told us that Lupin is an idealized version of the kind
of teacher she would like to be. If he overcomes his passivity,
does something heroic and gets a teaching job again, there's
a miraculous solution to what looks to be an intractable social problem,
which is another daydream of hers. Yeah, that's little too perfect for me.
Even if Tonks dies and Lupin is heartbroken, that's still a very Gary
Stu scenario.
Suppose Hagrid gets his happy ending: he and Harry both survive,
Grawp vindicates both his pagetime and Hagrid's monster obsession,
and Hagrid and Maxime tie the knot. There's bittersweetness built into that.
Grawp will still be a character only a brother could love. Marrying Maxime
will probably mean that Hagrid leaves Hogwarts and Harry, and goes to
live far away. And Hagrid will still be rough around the edges, have
a loooong way to go as a teacher, be inclined to fits of temper and
a bit too free with his lips and the occasional boozer. Giants may be
welcomed back to England, but Hagrid will be going off to France.
But where are Lupin's blemishes, when is he ever even allowed to
become annoying? Lupin struggles, okay, but even then he gets pale and
interesting, rather than drunk and irritable.
Rather grateful to JKR for shooting down Vampire!Snape now so that
it will be a distant memory when ESE!Lupin is vindicated (should that
ever take place)
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