scarletdemon666 at
Tue Feb 8 01:52:37 UTC 2005
***Name: Liz
***Pen name:
Wolfsbaine, Wolfie, Scarlet
42 sometimes.
UK, Birmingham.
***Birthday, Place of Birth
May, England.
***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
Self Employed.
***First contact with Harry Potter:
Around the PoA book Release time, brought the book for my nephew, I
read it to him and got us both hooked.
***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objects
d'Art, general enthusing):
Favourite books: PoA, like all the books but in order PoA I would
save first in a fire, not that keen on OoTP, found Jk's treatment
of Sirius unfair.
Favourite characters: Harry, Remus, Sirius, and DD.
Ships: Find the obsession in Fans disturbing
Fics: Will read anything. I prefer the way someone like Bruno
Greengrass writes about the odd characters in the books or
creates new stories around places in the Wizarding World, especially
the writings about Knockturn Alley.
General Enthusing:
Have little time for the movies, PoA the least said the better. Like
some HP-art, dislike the cheapening of HP with porn.
Objects d'art
Collector of lithographs, memorabilia Have the usually mugs, DVD's,
CD's etc.
***Extent of Potter obsession:
Just a little obsessed
***Other interests/activities:
Books, all kinds any kind. History, all kinds all subjects. Writing
for my own pleasure. Studying, part time with the Open University,
like it too much to graduate. Films, good ones, not blockbuster shoot
em up, chase em in the car, kill the bad guy stuff, but ones that
make you think. Art house, Old Classics, like A Matter of life and
Death, Brief Encounter and so on.
***Current/recent reading:
Precious Bane: Mary Webb,(again) always reading bits of HP and The
Vampire Chronicles. Also like detective novels, such as Campion
Mysteries, Ellis Peters. Non-fiction Book the Monarchy of England
Volume 1, The Beginnings. David Starkey
***Current/recent listening:
Bowie like breathing. Likes, varied, Joy Division, Roxy Music,
Bauhaus, Japan, Bruce Springsteen, some blues.Opera.
Thanks Ali for putting my name forward.
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