[the_old_crowd] OT Introduction... another one!!

S A H Culfeather Pookie1_uk at pookie1_uk.yahoo.invalid
Tue Feb 8 13:13:43 UTC 2005

Thank you to whoever invited me here - I notice a
number of familiar names on the lists of members and
pleased to be in such good company


Pookie, asphodeline (LiveJournal)

38 until April 

Stirling, Scotland, UK

***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
Ba(Hons) Modern Languages, Secondary teaching

I have several jobs, I get bored easily! 
Teach adult leisure classes in evenings (French &
Italian), I'm a merchandiser with Sainsburys
supermarkets, I garden for other people (mostly the
boring weedy bits but soemtimes it's more creative)
and I caretake a holiday flat. Occasionally proof-read
for money too!
I would really like one job bringing in a decent wage!

***First contact with Harry Potter:
I was a bookseller so heard about the book as it
started to "grow" but took a while to read my copy and
several attempts to get past chapter one, PS.
Eventually the pub quiz master's obsession with asking
HP questions pushed me to finish book one and I was

***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships,
fics, objects
d'Art, general enthusing):

Favourite books: PoA

Favourite characters: Snape, Snape and Snape - also
love Minerva and Ron and Lupin is okay and Lucius

Ships: keeping that quiet

Fics: I read lots and will try anything if it's well
written - and the recommendation to read The Eulogy
was inspired, it's an amazing piece, especially
Snape's final message!

General Enthusing:I'd better not start on this....

Objects d'art

Do a few action figures count here?? My mother has
finally given in to my obsession and I am gathering
interesting things. I am collecting the books in
foreign languages, reading the French and Italian
versions and have one or two others. The Japanese PS
is particularly beautiful

***Extent of Potter obsession:
Member of Accio_UK committee, spend most days doing
something HP related and spend a ridiculous amount of
time role-playing - sorry, I know some people think
this is evil! 
I am intermittently Minerva, Ron and Fleur and love
them all to bits
I also carry a Harry Potter book in my handbag -
choice varies depending on mood

***Other interests/activities:
Not much time left for anything else but am an avid
reader of anything, love walking and enjoy writing and
sketching and used to do a lot of other things before
HP came along

***Current/recent reading:
always have several books on the go at once. 
>From the pile nearest my bed - Thursbitch, Alan
Garner, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, Sybil by F R
Schrieber. Current handbag book is HP et La Coupe de
Feu, JKR
***Current/recent listening:
I love music and will listen to all sorts. Currently
enjoying Katie Melua

***Current viewing:
Don't watch a lot of TV but when I do it's usually CSI
or similar and Time Team

and I think that's plenty to be getting on with!!

Look forward to learning about the group

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