Apparate to Possess

confusinglyso pjcousins at
Tue Feb 15 22:42:41 UTC 2005

Although I read the posts from the learned members wishing to analyse
the Potterverse, I'm afraid I shall have to wait for "A Student's 
Guide To HP",as found these days for literature classics on school 
courses. My last efforts at 'lit crit' were on Pride and Prejudice 
and Henry IV over 40 years ago.
The thread 'Themes and Theories' gives me an excuse to jump in :-

As preparation for HBP I've been dusting off my old theory, that 
Kneasy led me into, that Harry was Possessed by LV at Godric's 
Hollow, and some explanation for the 'missing' 24 hours.
As part of this I've recently come up with the following idea. 
Voldemort definitely Possessed Harry in the Ministry of Magic.
But what is the mechanism for Possession ?
Is Possession a more finely focused development of Apparation ?

JKR gives a detailed description of Apparating in GoF, a suspicious
reader might say unusually detailed.

"GoF, Chapter 'The Portkey', page 63 UK"

'You have to pass a test to Apparate ?' Harry asked.
'Oh yes,' said Mr Weasley...'The Department of Magical Transportation
had to fine a couple of people the other day for Apparating without 
a licence.
It's not easy, Apparition, and when it's not done properly it can 
lead to nasty complications. This pair I'm talking about went and 
splinched themselves.'

'Er - splinched ?' said Harry.
'They left half of themselves behind,' said Mr Weasley...

"Apparating is disappearing from one place and reappearing almost 
instantly in another.
Charlie failed his first test, Apparated five miles south of where 
he meant to, right on top of some poor old dear doing her shopping."

When LV left Harry at GH, theory still being dusted, he splinched 
himself (and Harry)so that a part of LV remained in Harry, and part 
of Harry was in LV.
Hence the mind link, stronger than the scar link, when LV regained a 
body at the end of GoF.

Then in OoP, Chapter 'The Only One He Ever Feared', pages 719-720 UK.
The splinching may have been 'repaired' by the *second* possession 
in the Ministry of Magic. DD's crooked nose was inches from Harry's 
as Harry recovered from the possession, so DD was probably checking 
by eye contact whether LV could still be seen in Harry's eyes.
This may explain how DD was able to face Harry back at Hogwarts.

It seems such a minor detail, but could Possession be very accurate 
Apparition ?
And has the 'second' posssession undone any Splinching ?
This may mean that Harry is no longer a Parselmouth besides breaking 
the mind link.



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