[the_old_crowd] going way OT off of: Re: Themes and theories

Kathryn kcawte at slytherinspirit.yahoo.invalid
Fri Feb 18 18:29:05 UTC 2005


Ginger, wondering if Captain Carrot married Mrs. Cake if she'd be 
Mrs. Ironfoundersson, or if he'd be Carrot Cake.

We return you now from the Discworld to the Potterverse.

You know if you're going to say things like that you should warn people! I
darn near choked to death on my fruit juice ;)

Slightly more seriously there is a bit of a difference between the
Potterverse and the Discworld in that we expect the Potterverse to be
internally consistent, because it's adventure/drama whereas because the
Discworld is by and large comedic we don't. In fact Terry Pratchett always
seems to be stunned when he discovers that it pretty much *is* internally
logical (for certain Discworldian values of logic anyway) like when they
created the maps - he didn't actually think it would be possible.

With something as surreal as the Discworld you (as a reader) are far more
likely to give it the benefit of the doubt. However when things like Harry
Potter or (in a different medium) Star Wars or Highlander contradict
themselves it's far more likely to jar and alienate you from the material.
For example my main problem with the last Highlander film was not that the
plot was a little odd (really let's be fair they all were) but that the
entire logic of who was more powerful and why, which was pretty much the
major plot point, made no sense at all and thinking about it led to the
danger of your brain leaking out of your ears!


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