[the_old_crowd] Re: OT chatter from a child of a lesser god ( I suppose)

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 19 20:38:28 UTC 2005

I can add to this only by saying that I proposed that
U2's Bono is Harry all grown up!

Perhaps the other 3 bandmembers are Ron, Neville, and
Seamus Finnigan.

Although, Ron in the movies looks a little like a
young Mick Jagger lately.  Perhaps he'll turn into a
Death Eater! "Once you start me up, I'll never stop!"
yeah yeah yeah ;0)


--- joywitch_m_curmudgeon <joym999 at ...> wrote:

> Hi there.  Remember me?  I know I should
> (re)-introduce myself, but 
> this theory is just too juicy to wait.
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Amy Z"
> <lupinesque at y...> 
> wrote:
> > Paul is obviously James.  Handsome, dashing, but
> kind of an 
> > asshole.  Plus, his name is JAMES Paul McCartney.
> In addition, as anyone who has ever listened to
> Abbey Road backwards 
> knows, Paul is actually dead, and he died years and
> years ago.  If 
> you saw that lame Super Bowl Halftime Show, you
> *know* it's true -- 
> he's merely a silverly shadow of his former self. 
> That was actually 
> a portrait of Paul McCartney -- probably connected
> to the same 
> machine that played that stupid footage of cars
> while they sang Baby 
> You Can Drive My Car.  And it was definitely the
> pale vague Mirror 
> of Erised version of Paul McCartney that wrote all
> those stupid 
> Wings songs.
> > 
> > I think we've wrapped this case up.  Next
> challenge:  the Rolling 
> > Stones as Death Eaters.
> Oooh, that one's easy.  Keith Richards.  There's no
> question that he 
> came back from the dead.  More than once.  I mean,
> just look at the 
> guy.  And all the rest of them -- they come and go
> and drift off and 
> play with drugs so that you can't hardly tell which
> ones have left 
> forever and which have just fled.  And Mick Jagger
> tries to be evil, 
> but he really does have the mentality of a 16 year
> old boy playing 
> with anagrams to make himself a scary name.
> --- JMC

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