Who knows prophecy contents?

mooseming josturgess at mooseming.yahoo.invalid
Tue Feb 22 18:01:17 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "cubfanbudwoman" 
<susiequsie23 at s...> wrote:
> As there is a bit of a lull in the action here, I shall ask The 
> Esteemed Old Crowd a question I've also asked at HPfGU.
> Whom do you believe knows the *full* contents of the prophecy?  Is 
> there anyone besides DD & Harry who now know it?
> Siriusly Snapey Susan

Before GH

Full prophecy:

Lily and James Potter, Frank and Alice Longbottom, no one else.

Partial prophecy:

Voldy, Bella, Snape and eavesdropper.

Bella because she attacked the Longbottoms, Snape because of his 
treatment of Neville and Harry.

I have suspicions about Uncle Algie too his behaviour looks 
potentially more sinister after you know of the prophecy.

After GH but before attack on MoM in OotP

Full prophecy:

As before

Partial prophecy:

Death Eaters (not necessarily all)
OP (also not necessarily all)

After attack on MoM....???

Harry will tell Ron and Hermione, I'd like him to tell Neville but 
don't think he will.

I'm working on the basis that both sides would want to keep 
explosive information like this as strictly need to know.


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