[the_old_crowd] Re: Some speculations on the night at GH

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 26 16:58:55 UTC 2005

On Sat, Feb 26, 2005 at 04:39:39PM -0000, nkafkafi wrote:

> Neri:
> It is only dangerous to a very small sub-group of Potterheads (myself
> included, unfortunately) who are totally obsessed with finding the
> ultimate theory that explains everything in the Harry Potter books,
> and would go to any length to discover it (short of breaking into JKR
> house and looting her drawers. I think). We poor addicts have a
> tendency to invest hours on hours of our free (and not-free) time
> picking the books apart and building huge and intricate theories that
> might crumble at any moment if you take out a single card from the
> bottom. Naturally, investing so much time and thought in our theories,
> we tend to become very protective about them and very hostile to other
> possibilities. A cure for this terrible condition was not yet
> discovered (hopefully it will disappear by itself when Book 7 is out)
> but there may be certain precautions that the addict can take in order
> to minimize the risks for distress and heartache. So if you are lucky
> not to be in this risk group, I assure you that you can speculate on
> HP as much as you want to, with no damage to yourself or to your
> accessories.
> Neri

Yeah, how dangerous can it be to speculate that Hermione will be Head Girl in
book 6? Who can guess at the hidden power of Harry's magic House-Elf socks??

But I reckon Petunia done it. She's in for it when Vernon gets home.

"It takes an aroused man to make a chicken affectionate!" 
  -- Spanish translation of Frank Perdue's chicken slogan.

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