[the_old_crowd] Re: Some speculations on the night at GH
dontask2much at dontask2much.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 26 17:16:14 UTC 2005
> Neri:
> It is only dangerous to a very small sub-group of Potterheads (myself
> included, unfortunately) who are totally obsessed with finding the
> ultimate theory that explains everything in the Harry Potter books,
> and would go to any length to discover it (short of breaking into JKR
> house and looting her drawers. I think). We poor addicts have a
> tendency to invest hours on hours of our free (and not-free) time
> picking the books apart and building huge and intricate theories that
> might crumble at any moment if you take out a single card from the
> bottom. Naturally, investing so much time and thought in our theories,
> we tend to become very protective about them and very hostile to other
> possibilities. A cure for this terrible condition was not yet
> discovered (hopefully it will disappear by itself when Book 7 is out)
> but there may be certain precautions that the addict can take in order
> to minimize the risks for distress and heartache. So if you are lucky
> not to be in this risk group, I assure you that you can speculate on
> HP as much as you want to, with no damage to yourself or to your
> accessories.
Thanks for the reply - and for the forgiveness you extended this admitted
troublemaker ;) In all seriousness, loved your post back to me.
Whew...it's very important my accessories are safe, I have a reputation to
uphold. You bring up an interesting concept, though - is there really an
ultimate theory which explains Harry Potter? I ask this because if you look
at other epics like Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia and His Dark
Materials, such literature is also endlessly explored even after the series
is complete. Indeed it would appear the analysis and speculation never ends.
With that in mind, I applaud your pursuit of knowledge and positive spirit
in trying to complete this difficult and passion task in the face of your
addiction. ;) <wiping a small tear> Where do I donate for your cure, as I
think it's a long road ahead for ya? ;)
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