Best of Enemies. pt. 3.
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at
Sun Jan 23 18:03:07 UTC 2005
Right. Who's next?
Ah, yes.
But is it a 'who' or an 'it'?
Very definitely anti-Harry, or at least it is once it realises that the
Pestiferous Potter is at hand and can be got at. Sorting this one out
has been a bit of a problem for fandom, too many unknowns and
unanswered questions proliferate like ants at a picnic. Still, let's
have a look, accepting that with all those lacunae we're reduced to the
condition of WYSIWYG.
Firstly, just to make the position clear, IMO Diary!Tom is entirely
separate from Voldy. Harry's scar doesn't react to the Diary or to the
corporate Tom. We are also drawn to the conclusion that D!T had never
heard of young Potter until Ginny enlightened him, but once the dog
sees the rabbit whatever the construct was intended to do is put in
abeyance while Tom investigates Harry. And investigate is the right
word - D!T wants to know about Harry, to find out what's special about
him and it's not until he decides that there's nothing particularly
special there that he decides it's party time - hide and seek with
Harry as 'it'.
Mind you, impressive though the Basilisk is, I'm not so sure about Tom.
Either he exhibits a breath-taking ability to plan, foresee events and
take the appropriate action, or he's lucky verging on the miraculous.
Consider: he controls Ginny. Yet Ginny throws the Diary away in a
disused toilet that just happens to be the one where the informational
ghost of Tom's previous victim lurks and where the Trio just happen to
be brewing a forbidden potion in complete secrecy. And no, Ginny wasn't
following instructions, according to Tom she became suspicious and was
disposing of it. Fortunate, or what? But then of course, once free of
its effects she becomes unsuspicious and steals it back from Harry thus
enabling her to become the innocent maiden in dire straits that needs
Fine. OK. Needs must when the plot drives; most tales would get nowhere
without a touch of serendipitous coincidence. I'll just swallow my
incredulity and press on. We'll also pass over the flash-back episode
where Tom stitches up Hagrid, except - did you notice? It might be
directorial incompetence, but in the film version Tom was not wearing a
Slytherin badge on his robe - it looked like Gryffindor to me. Isn't
that interesting?
To the climax. Like all would-be Evil Overlords Tom has yet to learn
that posturing, preening, bragging and striking poses are
counter-productive and always premature. Throughout the books it's a
dead give-away that whenever a character launches into paeans of self
praise a deus-ex-machina will turn up, he'll fall flat on his face and
end up spitting teeth. So it proves this time. Though I've never quite
figured out why Ginny doesn't die too. If Tom turns up his toes because
his life-force is destroyed by the deadly dentition being thrust into
the Diary and the life force concerned has been extracted from
Ginny....hmm. There is only the one life shared between them, isn't
there? And if that life is killed by injecting poison....? Mind you,
before that puzzling denoument, Tom's cause isn't helped by a sudden
attack of Quirrellitis - he forgets he's a wizard. Stands there with
Harry's wand in his sweaty mitt and it might as well be a
back-scratcher for all the use he makes of it.
He'll get no sympathy from me.
There was somebody else associated with that Diary, and guess what?
This one has all the potential to be a dyed-in-the-wool, 24 carat,
deviously evil bastard of the first water.
A big hand please for Lucius Malfoy!
If you're of an age (or watch old films on late night TV) you might
recall a character actor from the 30s, 40s and 50s who played
wonderfully nasty but suave villains - George Sanders. That's who came
to mind when I read Lucius in the books. Ah, if only. Because the key
word in the preceding paragraph is 'potentially' - there are some
niggling worries that Lucius may not be as downright rotten as I for
one would like him to be.
Voldy calls him 'slippery' - yes, yes, sounds promising, but DD goes
remarkably easy on him after he was the proximate cause of all the
mayhem in CoS. That's worrying. Just a mild warning as to future
behaviour. There's a feeling that there's more going on than appears on
the surface. Now I'm not a vindictive type, but if I'd been in DD's
place I'dve had him down the dungeons, hanging from chains while a
cockatrice speculatively eyed his goolies before the study door had
swung shut.
Then there's Dobby.
Unless the author is hiding a massive plot twist (or cheating), that
little toe-rag does what Malfoy tells him to do. Yes, I know Kreacher
managed to 'misinterpret' instructions from Sirius, but they were
issued in hot blood and only once. Malfoy is cold and calculating, has
been Dobby's master for years yet Dobby zips back and forth between
Malfoy Towers, Privet Drive and Hogwarts like he's on elastic. And
although his object is to warn Harry of a dastardly plot, he very
carefully spills only a very few of the beans. And besides, I don't
like him.
Malfoy is not interested in Harry at all - or not directly. Let Potter
duke it out with Voldy; what's that to Lucius, particularly as Voldy
hasn't been impressive on the Potter front and could well lose? What if
Lucius's goals are more mundane than Voldy's but none-the-less
eminently desirable and achievable? Top dog after the dust has settled
perhaps - and best advanced by playing both ends against the middle.
In those circumstances he would want Harry out of the way while he
prised DD out of the Headmaster slot and disgraced the name of Weasley
in the Ministry. Harry would be a complication he could well do
without. But Harry was there, did interfere, and more or less
single-handedly scotched the whole scheme when no-one else seemed
capable of doing so. Curses! Foiled!
Hmm. Entertaining sub-plot.
And he's still around to try again. He's got no animosity of course,
bet he'd even subscribe to a statue, or even better, a memorial to
Harry - once he's Minister.
What would be really depressing would be the revelation that Malfoy has
been DD's agent all along. Or that he sees the light, reforms and
joins the Band of Hope. Please, no - not that. Let the combination of
DE, Slytherin, cunning and ambition on the label actually mean that
there's somebody irredeemably nasty in there.
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