can somebody sign me out? sniff sniff

Stephanie Keener keenersd at
Fri Jul 15 13:21:08 UTC 2005

Hey Everyone -

I'm sorry to reply to the whole list for this.  But I guess I'm hoping
for some sympathy e-mails....  Could Neal or someone
 suspend my subscription for the next ** ack ** four weeks?  I can't
seem to use my yahoo! Account anymore.  

I, I, *sniff* won't be able to read for the next three weeks as I have a
21 day residential program for women, which normally I really enjoy
organizing and directing, starting on Sunday. We have things on the
schedule from 7 am - after 9pm everyday.  So I've made the very mature
decision to wait until -- can you believe this -- AUGUST 6 to start
reading HBP.  I'm ordering all my friends and my stinking gloating
husband to run on radio silence.  And I just can not have you people
popping up on my e-mail with your days off and you eyes glued to the

For the first time since PoA I won't be reading with Neal and Penny and
Rita and Eb and ..... Oh, it's just too much...  

Stephanie Keener

-----Original Message-----
From: the_old_crowd at
[mailto:the_old_crowd at] On Behalf Of quigonginger
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 3:39 AM
To: the_old_crowd at
Subject: [the_old_crowd] Re: So how will you be reading?

Shaun wrote:
> I have arranged to have the day off to read Harry Potter and the 
> Blood Prince which I will be picking up soon after 9am tomorrow 
> morning (release time here in Australia is 9.01am - simultaneous 
> release with London, but at a much more civilised hour). I have 
> bought chocolate in both block and hot varieties (well, I have to 
> the milk and make it hot) and will be sitting down to read it in 
> front of an open fire (it is winter here) with quiet classical music 
> playing in the background, from cover to cover in one sitting.  

Oh, Shaun, might I join you?  It's over 90 Farenhiet here, with over 
70% humidity and slough skeeters that have been rumoured to carry off 
livestock, small children and unattended Volkswagons.  I finally broke 
down and bought AC, but just one big enough for one room.  

I have my book reserved at B&N, will be attending the festivities 
(callout to JoAnna:  Will you be there?) and returning to my home 
where I have cooked food for 2 days, have my chair ready with ashtray, 
cigs, spitoon (I bought a ton of cherries on sale), and several 
pitchers of beverages.  I will turn off the ringer, lock the door and 
remove myself from the rest of the world for the weekend.  

One thing I will *not* do, having learned my lesson with OoP, is read 
the dust jacket.  

I am probably the only one, but I wish we had a few more days as I 
have been too busy to do any rereads.  I will try and squeeze in the 
last chapters of OoP before I go.

Happy reading to you all, Ginger

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