can somebody sign me out? sniff sniff

Kelley Thompson kelleythompson at
Fri Jul 15 20:14:22 UTC 2005

> I'm sorry to reply to the whole list for this.  But I guess I'm hoping
> for some sympathy e-mails....  Could Neal or someone
>  suspend my subscription for the next ** ack ** four weeks?  I can't
> seem to use my yahoo! Account anymore.
> I, I, *sniff* won't be able to read for the next three weeks as I have
> 21 day residential program for women, which normally I really enjoy
> organizing and directing, starting on Sunday. We have things on the
> schedule from 7 am - after 9pm everyday.  So I've made the very mature
> decision to wait until -- can you believe this -- AUGUST 6 to start
> reading HBP.

Wow, Stephanie, you have some unbelievable willpower!  I've gone ahead
and switched you to "No Mail", so the messages should stop soon (if they
haven't already).  Just give a yell when you want to be changed back.
(What's going on with your Yah account?  Maybe I can find some way to

> For the first time since PoA I won't be reading with Neal and Penny
> Rita and Eb and ..... Oh, it's just too much...

Oh, gosh... *hugs*  Hope these next four weeks fly by for you...


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