Hedgecrumpets (spoilers, of course)

nrenka nrenka at nrenka.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 18 13:55:02 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "dungrollin" 
<spotthedungbeetle at h...> wrote:
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> When Harry finds and has a go at destroying the Hawkrocker in the 
> locket, how is he going to do it without withering his hand like DD 
> did?  I suggest somebody with an exceptionally strong *sliver* hand 
> might be rather useful. And I think the only way of convincing him 
> to do it is through his charming housemate.

I don't know about through the housemate (although really, is not 
Snape/Wormtail slash practically canonical by now?).  Peter owes 
Harry one.  A very, very big one, as Harry spared him from the 
Furies.  Also, it looks like Peter is really not liking where he is--
and he's been listening at doors, trying to figure things out.

IF (and it's a big if, because I do see all the holes and outs and 
problems) Snape is actually ESE, then Peter's possibility for 
redemption seems to rise accordingly.  It seems that Regulus has done 
something heroic to spite Voldemort; is this the path for the ex-
Marauder, to overcome the fear which governs his self-concern?

It'd be very thematically tasty, no?

-Nora watches the fog smother the harbor for another day

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